Incentives & Help

Renovation of a historic building can be a completely different animal than new construction.  But being different doesn't have to mean it's more difficult.  Historic preservation has become a pretty well-defined science and art.  You will find there are people available, knowledgeable and happy to help guide you through the process.

If you are considering purchasing the Fairview Mill some good work is happening to help you reach your preservation and business goals -

  •  One of Utah's best Historic Preservation architects has evaluated and provided drawings and other information to aid in the mill's preservation

  • The building is likely eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  Listing provides the owner with the option of utilizing a 20% tax credit for eligible work done on the mill.  Please click on this link for more information about Historic Tax Credits

  • When a use is determined for the mill, the current owners will prepare and submit the National Register nomination for the new owner.  A $1200 value

  • Marketing and PR efforts for the mill can continue on behalf of the new buyer and the new use for the mill

  • An expanded history of the mill and acquisition of mill artifacts is underway

  • City leaders and the community in general seem to be in favor of restoring the mill and using it for a low-impact commercial use.  A residential use may also be appropriate.

Please contact us by email or call Katie at 435-427-5500 with questions or concerns about the Fairview Mill project.

Thank you for your interest!

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